Google Summer of Code 2019 Project ideas

The details of each of our project ideas are listed below, including potential mentors. Interested mentors and students should subscribe to the OBF/GSoC mailing list and announce their interest.

See the main OBF Google Summer of Code page for more information about the GSoC program and additional ways to get in touch with us.

Cross-project ideas

OBF is an umbrella organization which represents many different programming languages used in bioinformatics. In addition to working with each of the “Bio*” projects (listed below) we also accept “cross-project” ideas that cover multiple programming languages or projects. These collaborative ideas are broadly defined and can be thought of as “unfinished” — interested students should adapt the ideas to their own strengths and goals, and are responsible for the quality of the final proposed idea in their application.

Feel free to propose your own entirely new idea.

Add Variant Graph (VG) support to BioD

BioD is a programming language that has the performance of C/C++ but with improved high-level programming constructs for parallel computing. In this project we want to add variant graph support that can be used for novel algorithms by porting and improving the existing C++ code base.



We’ll take the existing vg code base as the starting point. We may use the D redland bindings to hold graphs in memory (RDF/semantic web).

Languages and skill

The student should have an interest in using different programming languages and functional programming techniques, but good knowledge of C++ or similar is enough.

The deployment and programming environment will be handled by the functional package manager GNU Guix which can run on any Linux distribution, including Ubuntu and Fedora.



This is challenging project for someone who wants to be a hard core coder!


Pjotr Prins, George Gitinji.

We will also ask Erik Garrison (VG) and Victor Porton (D redland bindings) to help mentor.

Sambamba + BioD

Taking the fastest sequence transforming software in the world to the next level

In 2012 we created sambamba as the fastest software that could parse and transform different file formats as coming out of a sequencer. Sambamba is used today as time critical software for analysing all types of DNA data, for example in the context of plant research and human disease diagnostics. Sequencing is a rapidly growing effort involving more and more researchers - we want to make sambamba even faster and support columnar data storage such as provided by Parquet - similar to what Google uses for large data. Sambamba is written in D and C++. D is a perfect fit for writing performance code in a high-level programming language.


Sambamba already supports multiple file formats. Current work is on making sambamba more composable. Instead of having split sorting, filtering and marking steps we will combine them into one run of the tool.

BAM is the most popular file format for storing sequence alignments, but it has some disadvantages (no support for modern light compression, row-based storage). CRAM is another format supported by Sambamba. CRAM files have higher compression, but are slower in processing.

Adam or Parquet columnar format can give both high compression and fast processing. It can be also be used as a Spark data-frame into Python, R, or Scala, thus providing easy scaling.

The provided BAM → ADAM converter is rather slow, taking about half an hour (8 threads) to convert a 10GB BAM file. This is a barrier for adoption: for comparison, re-compressing the same file with sambamba (BAM → BAM) using 8 threads takes only about 5 minutes.

Faster conversion speed is not easily attainable on JVM platform, partly because htsjdk BAM reader is single-threaded and is known to be slow. Sambamba, on the other hand, provides a solid base for building a fast converter.


ADAM files can be rather easily read/written with the aid of parquet-cpp and avro C/C++ libraries.

D has great support for interfacing with C and even some support for C++.

First create D read support to familiarize with BAM and ADAM formats, sambamba code base, and all the libraries involved. After that the writing code path can be added. Optionally, filtering in the reader can be then enhanced by leveraging Parquet metadata and columnar structure.

Languages and skill

The student should have an interest in using different programming languages and functional programming techniques, but good knowledge of C++ or similar is enough.

The deployment and programming environment will be handled by the functional package manager GNU Guix which can run on any Linux distribution, including Ubuntu and Fedora.



This is challenging project for someone who wants to be a hard core coder! Successfully completing this project will give a lot of credibility when looking for a job in science.


Pjotr Prins, Artem Tarasov.

We will also ask James Bonfield (htslib) and one of the ADAM authors to help mentor.

GeneNetwork PureScript Genome Browser (partly Biodalliance) (GN) is a Web 2.0 environment for genetic analysis in mouse, rat and human (QTL mapping and GWAS). GN is used daily by scientists with over a thousand publications citing it.

In the context of GeneNetwork we have developed a state-of-the-art embeddable genetics browser in PureScript, which can be run independently of a database and therefore embedded into publications. PureScript is a purely functional programming language that translates into JavaScript. The current code base was written by Christian Fischer, and started out as a Google Summer of Code project. The original idea of our browser is based on (BD) and components thereof can be reused. BD is a fast, interactive, genome visualization tool that’s easy to embed in web pages and applications. It supports integration of data from a wide variety of sources, and can load data directly from popular genomics file formats including bigWig, BAM, and VCF. Biodalliance has been adopted by some major bioinformatics websites including, for example, UK10K.


To improve user experience and biomedical discovery we are working on advanced genome visualisation and embedding the state-of-the-art Biodalliance genome browser into GN with several new tracks for visualizing mapped QTL, underlying genotypes and SNP density. We are building on the current tooling to provide a full user experience and interactive tracks that can be embedded in online scientific journals. Example: Biodalliance


The student will get acquainted with PureScript and community before GSoC starts. The work plan will target porting a few existing tracks from BD (e.g. gene track, sequencing reads track) to PureScript to increase insight in how it all hangs together. Thereafter a component will be built to navigate a graph of linked data items, for example using Cytoscape.js. These linked data items may refer to interactions between different elements on different tracks.

Languages and skill

The genetics browser is written in PureScript. A command of JavaScript, to read BD code, is recommended.



medium mostly PureScript and JavaScript, but Python and Elixir may come in handy


Christian Fischer, Pjotr Prins, Danny Arends and Karl Broman

Web services

Add block chains and hyperledger support for the ‘Journal of Open Data Publications’


We are working on the next generation of scientific publications. The publication workflow will be the engine behind our new journal ‘The Journal of Data Publications for the Web’ (or similar). Unlike existing publication workflows ours delivers machine readable “journal” “linked-data” publications. We understand the publication as an aggregation of versioned and addressable nanopublications that coexist with the human narrative. Instead of the publication requiring curation and semantic annotation as a post publication activity, we are delivering a publication that is to be born semantic and thus interoperable with the web of data. More importantly, we understand that publications are assets being created thought the research life cycle; in order to keep a reliable track of assets and transactions we are using Hyperledger, in order to facilitate and encourage data exchange (reuse) and deliver addressable content we are using the IPFS. In this way we are “notarizing” the assets beyond the DOI in a decentralized P2P environment that ensures preservation and allows us to account for everything that happens to the assets via smart contracts. Our publications are not limited to a narrative with metadata, e.g. paper-authors-tittle-abstract with the understanding that machine procesability means layout processing. Over a simple UI meant for authors to describe their work, we are generating linked data and doing semantic mark up; also, we are making it simple for the authors to declare the map of relations for their assets, i.e., manuscripts.

The publications have extensible distributed scholarly compounds, DISCOs, thus generating for each publication a map of resources. Our system goes beyond github because we don’t rely on trackers for the review or post publication process; instead, we consider the value in the review and post publication as part of the map of resources and also, more importantly, as part of the derivative assets created pivoting on the original publication. Our P2P layer generates consensus tokes for all activities derived from the publication -e.g. review, editorial, post publication, followups, updates.


We use a Python based frame work (flask). We are using IPFS for distributed file storage. The work plan should include a work package for creating a simple submission system for providing a data link to IPFS storage with a description. This information will be stored in block chains using hyperledger and updated on modification. We already have some prototypes in place. The student will execute the following

  1. Get acquainted with hyperledger and IPFS (before GSoC!)
  2. Update the YAJ code to allow submission of information (expand on existing simple issue tracker)
  3. Embed the current hyperledger prototype in the yaj code base
  4. Submit and publish publications through IPFS and hyperledger
  5. Introduce a ‘token’ mechanism that people can give credit, e.g., generate a citation
  6. Simulate publications and generating tokens
  7. Show stats page for citations belonging to a publication

In all, the idea is to create a working example of the mechanism of distributed storage of publications, distributed and reproducible tracking and access, distributed tokens for usage ‘credit’ and finally metrics for how well a publication is doing. This principles will later, probably after GSoC, be extended to other credits, e.g. for review, for using a piece of data or software etc.

As this is a complex project that can be filled in in multiple ways, the student is encouraged to write the work plan in close association with below mentors. Don’t wait until the last week.

Languages and skill

Requires Python web programming with an elastic search database and hyperledger as a back-end. Some JavaScript may be necessary.


  • JOSS
  • [Hyperledger]
  • [IPFS]
  • [Alex link]


medium mostly Python for the back-end and PureScript and JavaScript for the front-end. Understanding of HTML and SQL may come in handy.


Alexander Garcia, Pjotr Prins, Arfon Smith


  • IRC: #genenetwork on Freenode
  • Direct: alexgarciac at gmail


Create interactive Yeoman generator for BioJS components

BioJS is a library of over one hundred JavaScript components enabling developers to visualize and process data using current web technologies. BioJS makes it easy for them to integrate their visualizations into their own website or web application. BioJS is a community that spans multiple countries and multiple high profile bioinformatics organisations.


Web standards have moved on a little since the BioJS slush generator was created (ES2015 support has improved, as has support for WebComponents), so we’re in the processes of updating the BioJS standard to version 3.0. We’ve created a scaffold wrapper tool to update older BioJS components to work as WebComponents, but we still have more features in mind. This task would involve updating the yeoman generator with options to create command-line based tools and brand new tools, as well as clearly documenting the process with tutorials. You can see the BioJS 3.0 working draft for more information.

If you like like to work on the infrastructure of an international, respected open source data visualisation bioinformatics code, this is your project.





The primary goal is to:

  • Create a fully-featured BioJS standard-compliant yeoman generator to allow people to generate the starter files for BioJS 3.0 tools easily.
  • Fully documented tutorials for the generator, walking people through creating their first component.

There is also a fair amount of flexibility with this project to allow the student to inject their own ideas and introduce new features and functionality.


  • Basic knowledge of NodeJS/Javascript/HTML/CSS
  • Ability to work independently and to report to a group and discuss theories and results
  • Basic git skills required as working with github is mandatory

Student Benefits

  • We aim to ensure that each student gets a great learning experience tailored to their ability, interest and experience.
  • Hands on experience in providing a major change to a web-based application that is used around the world.
  • Practical experience in NodeJS, Javascript, HTML and CSS for a software project that is used around the world
  • Gain understanding of how real-world software is developed and how priorities are established
  • Improving your oral and written communication skills in a team environment

How to Apply

  • Provide a cover letter that explains why your skills would be a good fit. If you don’t have the skills, explain why you would like to learn those skills. 2 pages maximum.
  • Provide a resume with a list of skills and experience. 2 pages maximum.
  • Provide a breakdown of how you’d run this project - i.e. Features A, B delivered in the first two weeks, Features C, D delivered in later weeks. Show your proposal to mentors for feedback as they may be abe to suggest improvements!
  • Provide links to any code you might have contributed to eg. github, bitbucket repos/commits
  • If you have any questions, please ask us here -


antiSMASH is a tool to mine the genomes of micro-organisms for biologically interesting gene clusters, so-called secondary metabolites, to help find new antibiotics. It is a python-based open source tool that is developed at the Technical University of Denmark and Wageningen University.

Project ideas around antiSMASH range from very close to applied biology to more general software engineering projects.

Redesign the antiSMASH submission page using web components and Redux

While antiSMASH can be installed and run as a command line tool, many users interact with a cloud instance hosted at This cloud instance provides a submission website that should be converted to web components.


We actuallly run multiple instances of the submission page, depending on whether people want to analyse bacterial or fungal sequences, or run the production or development version. Those sites are very similar, but differ slightly in what features are offered. Currently this causes a lot of code duplication.

The goal of this project would be to redo the various submission pages using web components to enable re-using the shared components between the different sites.


Individual components of the submission page should be identified and converted into web components using LitElement and Typescript. All of the components should be connected using a global event handling library like Redux.

All components should come with tests and appropriate build infrastructure.

Languages and skills

  • Typescript
  • LitHTML/LitElement
  • Redux



  • easy


Kai Blin, Simon Shaw

Rework the antiSMASH web service infrastructure to be more robust

The antiSMASH web service allows users to submit microbial genomes for analysis. Once their analysis job is finished, users are presented with a web page displaying the results of the analysis job.

The antiSMASH web service is run on a collection of microservices that communicate via a central Redis service, with data provided via a distributed file system.


The antiSMASH webapi service accepts job submissions from the antiSMASH webapp. Job data can be uploaded by the user or can be downloaded from a third party database. If data needs to be downloaded, the job is passed to a downloader service. Once all data is present, the job gets passed to a dispatcher service that in turn runs the antiSMASH software from a docker container. Currently this system is a bit fragile, and there are no automated integration and end-to-end tests.

The goal of this project is to make the infrastructure more robust, make it easier to spin up the complete set of services for testing, and build automated integration and end-to-end tests.


End-to-end testing in a microservices setting is a difficult topic. Asa first step, this project would evaluate available tools for building test environments.

Once a good test framework is identified, end-to-end tests should be built.

Finally, issues identified during the testing concering the robustness of the individual services should be fixed to get the overall system into a healthier state.

Languages and skills

  • Python 3
  • Docker
  • docker-compose



  • medium


Kai Blin, Simon Shaw

Extend Common Workflow Language viewer for embedding

The Common Workflow Language is a specification for defining analysis workflows and tools, used across bioinformatics and other domains, and implemented by multiple workflow engines. At the core of CWL is a set of steps wired together using inputs and outputs. The CWL user guide introduces the language.

CWL workflows are commonly maintained on GitHub and so we have developed the CWL Viewer as a way to visualize any CWL workflow from a git repository. The CWL Viewer code started as a student project at the University of Manchester and is now maintained by the CWL community and has been used to visualize more than 7000 workflows.


Several suggested additional features and issues have been identified for the CWL Viewer. In particular this GSOC project could work on:

In addition the GSOC student is likely to find and resolve any related bugs that might need attention in order to fulfill the above.

CWL has a thriving open source community, and you will be supported not just by the mentor but also the


Languages and Skills


  • Java
  • JavaScript


  • Python
  • Spring Boot
  • JSON-LD /
  • Linked Data / SPARQL
  • YAML
  • CWL / workflows
  • Bioinformatics


medium students can start with easy tasks like embedding and badges, and move up towards deeper improvements as learning progresses.


Stian Soiland-Reyes Michael R. Crusoe

Bring provenance reporting via Research Objects (CWLProv) to additional CWL compatible workflow engines:

CWLProv is a standard-based format for provenance-rich Research Object (RO) generated as a result of a Common Workflow Language (CWL) workflow execution. Currently CWLProv RO generation is supported and demonstrated only by the CWL reference implementation (cwltool) that allows users to share the key artefacts associated with a given CWL workflow execution especially a detailed retrospective provenance of what happened.

Possible Approaches:

Project ideas related to CWLProv include extending the support of CWLProv RO generation to different workflow engines/platforms and improving the existing CWLProv profiles.

CWLProv support across different implementations
  • toil-cwl-runner Toil is an open-source Python workflow engine that supports execution of CWL workflows on cloud and High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. The goal is to finish the work already started so that toil-cwl-runner can generate CWLProv ROs.
  • Arvados & REANA Arvados is a distributed computing platform enabling large scale data analyses with CWL as native language for workflow specification. RE usable ANAlyses (REANA), also a data analysis platform supporting CWL, uses remote compute cloud services to carry out the enactment of computational workflows. Both of these platforms are excellent candidates for implementing CWLProv support as their CWL support derives from the CWL reference implementation (cwltool). Python experience is necessary.
  • For non-cwltool code-base such as Cromwell or CWLEXEC The third direction is to extend the non-cwltool based Workflow Management System such as Cromwell or CWLEXEC. For Cromwell, Scala experience will be required; for CWLEXEC, Java experience is required.
    Customised CWLProv profile
  • Slim vs. Complete Currently the research objects contain the data artefacts utilised in a given workflow execution leading to redundancy of data if the same analysis is executed various times (or even if the data resides on a remote repository). One approach to handle this issue is post-processing CWLProv ROs to replace large data files with references to stable data repositories, producing a slimmer RO for transfer where individual data items can be retrieved on demand, as well as reducing data duplication across multiple related ROs.

  • Handling of provenance profiles of parallely executed processes In case of parallel execution of the processes, devise a mechanism to handle the consolidation of the decentralised provenance information after the workflow execution is complete. This can be done for the existing CWLProv implementation with cwltool or by incorporating this feature in one of the options from the above proposed implementations.



Languages and skills

  • Understanding of CWL specification
  • Good programming skills (Python, Java, or Scala depending on which direction the student goes in from the above).


  1. Michael R. Crusoe
  2. Stian Soiland-Reyes
  3. Farah Zaib Khan